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Videos Videos * 2015 Conference PSA * Literacy holds the key to many doors * Light Up Your Lobes * Family Literacy I * Family Literacy II * Jon Mooney talks about HBOs Journey Into Dyslexia * Dyslexia: the world the way I see it * Orlando Bloom on Having Dyslexia * Prize Wheel * Everybody’s talking * 3 kids in jumper Literacy holds the key to many doors. Watch how six adults make the call for literacy! testimonial Introducing Dyslexia Awareness Month Maria, mother of dyslexic daughter, comments on Children’s Literacy Event Regina Richards thanking storyteller, Karen Rae Kraut after 2012 Children’s Literacy Event Steven Spielberg discusses his dyslexia with Quinn Bradlee of Friends of Quinn Prize wheel Everybody's talking 3 Kids in Jumper Parent attendee at Children’s Literacy Event shares his feelings
Literacy holds the key to many doors. Watch how six adults make the call for literacy!