Scholarships and Discounts Available
Generally, our branch offers two types of scholarships. Both are presented as rebates.
- Partial scholarships to local IEB Conferences for
- IDA members, and
- Current resident of Orange, Riverside, or San Bernardino Counties (CA), or
- Teachers or teachers-in-preparation working in Orange, Riverside, or San Bernardino Counties (CA), or
- For full information, download IEB Scholarship form
- Partial scholarships to National IDA Conferences, for
Scholarship form - mail completed form to
(put in subject line - "scholarship" if you are sending via contact form with upload)
Teachers: send this letter to your administrator to encourage his/her support !!! This is a terrific opportunity to attend IDA International Conference on a scholarship.
Read what some of the previous recipients have written.
Thanks For The Memories
By Pam Webb, Resource Specialist; RUSD; Member of So. Cal. Tri-Counties Branch
As a teacher for more than two decades, I have attended many conferences on many interesting educational topics. In October 2001; however, I attended a conference I will long remember: the 52nd Annual Conference of the International Dyslexia Association in Albuquerque New Mexico. It was unforgettable not only for the overwhelming amount and quality of information I gained, but for the opportunity to rub elbows with hundreds of other people – parents, educators, researchers, and other professionals – who are working to understand and assist individuals who learn differently. Read Full Story
My thoughts on the 54th International IDA Conference November 2003
By Constance Hastings-Clapp
I believe that at least ONE of the important responsibilities we have as parents of children with learning differences is the need to keep ourselves informed. At first thought that would not seem to be too difficult a task considering that we of the 21st century clearly live in the age of INFORMATION. However that reality presents another challenge because, with so much information available we have the additional responsibility of determining whether or not the information is accurate or reliable. And when that information is sought because of its potential relevance to address our precious children's needs we find ourselves with much more at stake. Read Full Story
Scholarships continue to be available.
Don’t miss out on an opportunity to be a part of a very exciting experience.
Click here to download printable form Mail completed form to IEB, 5225 Canyon Crest Dr., #71-308, Riverside CA 92507, or upload online using the contact form.