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About Dysgraphia - Symptoms

An astute teacher or parent may suspect dysgraphia in a student by observing writing performances. All too often, however, the student's performance is interpreted as poor motivation, carelessness, laziness, or excessive speed. While these observations may be very real, they are on the surface, and the underlying cause may be a dysgraphic pattern which is not within the student's control. Specific symptoms which may be noted include:

For a diagnosis of dysgraphia, the student must exhibit a cluster of symptoms (from the above list) plus a difficulty in reciprocity, the ability to automatically make the sequential directional changes necessary for fluent writing.


  • The Source for Dyslexia & Dysgraphia, LinguiSystems © 2000, used with permission.
  • When Writing’s a Problem, © 2004, RET Center Press, used with permission.
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