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So. Cal. Tri-Counties Branch

Our So. Cal. Tri-Counties Branch of the IDA


Want to advertise your services in our newsletter?
Our readers are always seeking services for learning differences throughout Southern California.
Please contact us if you wish to submit an ad or download our advertisement form.

Newsletters - The Resource

Creating Avenues of Success for Dyslexics!

Our newsletter, The Resource, is designed as a communication vehicle. Our goal is to share information about learning differences as well as about our So. Cal. Tri-Counties Branch. Our newsletters are generally published in fall and spring. We welcome suggestions for information to include. You may send your comments and suggestions to use via email. Our readers are always interested in related services in Southern California and we welcome advertisement.

Current Issue

Archived Issues



Newsletters are published as Adobe Acrobat PDFs.

Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader here.


Want to advertise your services in our newsletter?
Our readers are always seeking services for learning differences throughout Southern California.
Please contact us if you wish to submit an ad or download our advertisement form.


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